Affiliate Programme

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Our affiliate program is designed to provide a structured and rewarding opportunity for partners to collaborate with us in expanding our business. This program is thoughtfully divided into two primary categories: project-based prospects and retainer-based prospects, each of which is further divided into three distinct subgroups. These tiers are strategically crafted to encourage various levels of consultant engagement and performance, ensuring a fair and lucrative partnership for all involved. In the following explanation, we will delve deeper into the specifics of each tier, outlining the commission structures, bonuses, and criteria that define our affiliate program’s framework.

Project-Based Prospects:

Pioneer Tier:
Explanation: Consultant brings in an interested client familiar with Bronlo’s past work.
Commission: 5% of the total revenue generated from the project, payable at the end of the project after the client’s payment.
Bonus: Quarterly bonus of GBP 250 for every 10 qualified leads generated within a calendar month.
Criteria: Signing a contract must be closed within 4 weeks after the offer has been presented to the prospect by Bronlo. The project must exceed the value of GBP 500.

Navigator Tier:
Explanation: Consultant brings in a customer. The consultant is familiar with Bronlo’s offer and has already introduced the prospect to Bronlo’s marketing offer. The consultant has done research and identified prospect’s needs.
Commission: 10% of the total revenue generated from the project, payable at the end of the project after the client’s payment.
Bonus: Quarterly bonus of GBP 400 for consistently delivering a minimum of 10 true opportunities over a three-month period.
Criteria: Signing a contract must be closed within 4 weeks after the offer has been presented to the prospect by Bronlo. The project must exceed the value of GBP 1000.

Mastery Tier:
Explanation: Consultants at this tier are expected to bring closed, signed leads. Consultants should also be familiar with the minimum order value per service and have the right to negotiate a profit margin with the client of up to 25% over the sales value. Bronlo takes off from the moment the prospect has already signed the contract.
Commission: 20% of the total revenue generated from the project, payable at the end of the project after the client’s payment.
Bonus: Quarterly bonus of GBP 500 for top performers who bring 5 closed leads that meet or exceed the company’s revenue targets.
Criteria: Consultants at this tier are expected to bring closed, signed leads. They should also be familiar with the minimum order value per service and have the right to negotiate a profit margin with the client of up to 25% over the sales value. The contract must exceed GBP 1000 per month.

Project-base Pioneer Tier Navigator Tier Mastery Tier
How many leads per quarter to qualify for bonus
Bonus per lead

Retainer-Based Prospects:

Pioneer Tier: Explanation: Consultant brings in a client familiar with Bronlo’s past work, who is interested in a regular, long-term partnership. Commission: 7.5% of the first monthly payment from the client, payable within 14 days after client’s first pay. Bonus: Quarterly bonus of GBP 300 for every 10 qualified leads generated within a calendar month. Criteria: Projects must be closed within 4 weeks after the offer has been presented to the prospect by Bronlo. The contract must exceed GBP 800 per month.Navigator Tier: Explanation: Consultant brings in a customer, who is interested in a regular, long-term partnership. The consultant is familiar with Bronlo’s offer and has already introduced the prospect to Bronlo’s marketing offer. The consultant has done research and identified prospect’s needs. Commission: 15% of the first monthly payment from the client, payable within 14 days after client’s first pay. Bonus: Quarterly bonus of GBP 500 for consistently delivering a minimum of 10 true opportunities over a three-month period. Criteria: Projects must be closed within 4 weeks after the offer has been presented to the prospect by Bronlo. The contract must exceed GBP 800 per month. The consultant should have already introduced the prospect to Bronlo’s marketing concept, and the client should be familiar with the offer. The consultant should already discuss with the prospect the best solution for him/her.Mastery Tier: Explanation: Consultants at this tier are expected to bring closed, signed leads, who signed a 12-month long contract with 2 months-early termination notice. Consultants should also be familiar with the minimum order value per service and have the right to negotiate a profit margin with the client of up to 25% over the sales value. Bronlo takes off from the moment the prospect has already signed the contract. Commission: 30% of the first monthly payment from the client, payable within 14 days after client’s first pay. Bonus: Quarterly bonus of GBP 625 for top performers who bring 5 closed leads that meet or exceed the company’s revenue targets. Criteria: Consultants at this tier are expected to bring closed, signed leads. They should also be familiar with the minimum order value per service and have the right to negotiate a profit margin with the client of up to 25% over the sales value. The contract must exceed GBP 800 per month.
Retainer-base Pioneer Tier Navigator Tier Mastery Tier
How many leads per quarter to qualify for bonus
Bonus per lead

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Focus on the bigger picture of performance

Bronlo will help you to grasp abstract concepts, ideas and possibilities. Big picture thinkers emphasize the system in which s/he is operating. This includes looking into various stakeholders such as customers, employees and investors but also competitors, social trends and future technological disruptions.

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